'Stuck Crane Fly'

My day started out with a photo shoot out at La Trobe University. We recently finished doing some upgrades to 4 amenities blocks and the project manager asked us to put together some before and after shots. Not for blip as I'm sure there isn't anyone interested in looking at basins and toilets here.

Another very grey and wet day today, but at least we didn't have any of the strong winds that we're had the last few days.

Went for a stroll out the back tonight after getting home from work and spotted something moving in this wattle tree. On closer inspection I found this crane fly with one of it's legs stuck in the tiny leaves of this and couldn't free itself. Every now and then it would stop moving and trying to fly away for a rest (which was lucky for me) making it easier to photograph. Once I had taken a few shots I helped set it free and let it fly away. Funny how something little like that can make you feel like you've done good.

Probably looks better LARGE I reckon.

This is where it would be really nice to have a proper macro lens instead of using the 50mm lens and having to crop so much of the shot.

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