
By LoveroftheLight


Day 23 DDW's October Challenge: motion

Not a technique I'd tried before, and certainly never with a digital camera, but one I was determined to try. It took a while, as my camera is fairly new to me, to work out how to get the settings anywhere near right (lots of very bright and very dark shots in my garden to get close to right) then off out to give it a proper go.

It would have helped me if it had been a duller day - for once I didn't want to much sun, for the length of exposure needed for the effect I desired. Unheard of for me to not be wishing for more sun.

Several, or possibly numerous, shots later ..... I was just lucky this cyclist happened past to give me my best shot of the day. So thank you to him, whoever he may be.

Of course, now I want to go back out after dark and do some stationary camera/moving traffic shots. I did some many moons ago, with an old fashioned SLR, while at uni. I wonder if I can still get as good shots with my DSLR, and how they might differ. Or maybe that's a task for another day.

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