With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

The cracks are starting to show

It was one of those days where it wasn't so good that I still had the 85 mm lens still on. I came out of work and an after school meeting with an hour to get some fish food. (or else they'd starve, obviously..) I hadn't been to the garden centre before, or even known of its existence, which proved fatal in some ways (ie. bank balance) but was pretty good retail therapy. Don't worry, just two cushion covers and some marigolds for front of house decoration for the autumn. Oh and.. oh and...

After that peace, came the storm of ridiculous organisation of

strike tomorrow at school coinciding with special swimming session for class. O.k. if you have grannies in town, otherwise I have no idea how Little A will get to the pool. Bascially, my children will be wandering the streets and main roads for some hours until I return. Which reminds of the chaos I found this evening, as they have altered the direction of traffic on our street again and I am going to have to pace the roads to work it all out. There were lots of red angry faces and loitering police.

By the time I got into the house and a billion phone calls later, with last minute jobs for people and me finally having to say "No" to a bit of teaching to a neighbour (one that I would have really loved to have been able to do) I am so absolutely done in.

However. I have a carrot. Which is always good. Love to you all xxx

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