Our Dear Racing Pigeon

He moved out of his lovely bird's cage months ago and decided to rather sit on the sewage pipes running from the second floor of the house, very much to our annoyance, since he makes quite a mess on the pipes and down the wall. Ronnie decided to build him a 'house', installed it on the pipes, exactly where he sat every night, and then he just simply ignored the space! Eish! He slept on the roof by Lillian's door for months, and then, all of a sudden, we discovered him using his 'custom built house' at last! He looks quite content, methinks? ;-)

Our school closed for a very short mid-term break today, will reopen again on Tuesday. I decided to entertain the staff with cake and tea in the staff room at break time today, since it is my birthday Saturday, a lovely time was had by all and I enjoyed the visit tremendously! The principal invited me to the assembly just before school closed and the kids sang 'Happy Birthday'! I just luvvvv the kids as well as the staff, actually miss them quite a lot since I work from home now, but I will just have to visit more often in future!

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