
By NellyO

Unction and Deep Sacredness

At lunchtime I had a quick stroll round Greyfriars Kirkyard. There are so many really interesting gravestones and monuments there - this one is a memorial to a previous minister of the church. I enjoyed the wordiness of the tribute - I guess back in the day 'less is more' wasn't really the done thing!

Quinoa update: I finished the quasi-winnowing - I separated the grain from the chaff by soaking it so that the grain went to the bottom of the bowl and the chaff to the top, which was more or less successful, although I think I have thrown away as much grain as I salvaged in the whole process! Then this evening I dry-roasted the grain (this supposedly brings out the nutty flavour) and am just letting it cool before storing it. I reckon I've got a good few ounces there.

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