creative lenna

By creativelenna

what's on your desk?

October 25th is a celebratory day for Steven & me . . . the day I called him at work in 2004. We had been friends since we were teenagers, but hadn't talked for a few years. My ex-husband had left me (for someone else) and I had recently learned Steven was divorced for the same reason, wow. I called him because I thought we would have so much in common to talk about and he was always a great friend to me . . . but I did not know we would fall in love and get married only 8 months later -ha!

Tomorrow is 9 years forward from that fateful phone call! Being short on time today, a photo of what was on my desk was my best bet. A card for Steven I had just sealed with a big heart -and thanks for putting up with my artist self, wild at times . . . a couple of business cards with my art/photos on one side and a sweet photo of me & Steven on the other. I noticed after taking this photo - b -for blip- on my phone! I use it more for things like blip than phone calls! I also noticed my blip journal address on my cards : )

We'll be traveling just a bit to celebrate -not too far and I'll have opportunities for more interesting photos! SundaySkies will be on Sunday, but I could be a little delayed getting my sky uploaded so just leave me a comment on my latest blip and I will catch up with you and get everyone listed! Happy days, lenna

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