
By Blippingvicar

Fly Agaric II

Why do days off always seem to be shorter than other days? A slow start to the day followed by a shopping trip and some lunch and I've got a bit less than an hour before I have to catch a train into Birmingham to see War Horse - really looking forward to that!

I had damp feet the last time I wore my best walking boots. Things just don't last these days, do they? I've only had them for 40 years! Harvey & I tested out the new ones in Sutton Park, where I'd hoped I might get some backlit autumn leaves. That didn't work out, so I went back to see how the toad stools were doing. I'm pretty sure this is the same one I Blipped the other day, and it was still the only one standing. Looks like that's it for fungi this year, but I'm happy to be proved wrong.

Hope you have a wonderful week-end.

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