
By MyGirl_MyLife

The Kelpies

Hey guys how are you all doing? I haven't blipped for a couple of months due to various reasons, but I missed you guys so thought I'd give it another try!!

I joined a photo safari at The Helix this morning which was really good fun and interesting, and it meant we got right down to take close up shots of The Keplies which are just awesome close up!!

I've started an online photography course too, to try and learn more about the technical side (wish me luck!) I've bought myself a new lens (70mm - 200mm) and I don't know how I lived without it!! Lots of people are asking me to take their photographs so I've been doing lots of outdoor shoots recently, but I'm hoping to get an indoor studio for Xmas!!

I've done a couple of weddings with my friend Toni, who works as a full time photographer, so I'm learning loads from her. Both of us have been having days out every Friday with our cameras, from old local churches to day trips to the seaside. Lots of backblipping to follow hopefully...

Hope you guys are all well, and looking forward to catching up with y'all.


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