Hi Water

#3 in"My view" series

Up front barkThe Bosses is chuffed with your support for her shot. And No I can’t have an electric blanket as very kindly suggested. Woof for the thought tho.
The predicted weather was not as bad as thought but it has rained a lot in them there hills and our lake is responding accordingly. Acyclinggranny’s favourite tree is getting seriously wet but this morning the sun was trying to shine so The Boss decided to test a walk that he will be doing with the “B” team tomoro so took off on a 21347 step (yes he has a pedometer app on his phone) walk over 3 hours and ended up meeting The Bossess who spent time with friends in her favourite coffee joint and we all walked home. This shot is at the main jetty. Yep that’s it under the water and the view was so good from “My view” that I barked and here it is. Some years ago the lake breeched the foreshore and crossed the road with startling consequences but there is still a couple of feet to go and the weather is predicted to clear so hopefully all will be well.
The Boss is suitable tired from his test walk and I am wondering about a pawdometer for ME. Better check the Yapp store I recon. I would have done 42,694 at least (4 paws is double 2 Eh?)

Put your Mac On (Coat not computer)

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