
This picture is a little bit of the same as the last few days I am afraid. But it only serves the purpose to show the side effect of bad weather on a tug. The day before yesterday, I told you that, together with the Husky, we should be able to take over at least 200 tons of wire tension of the Hermod. That is true, but I forget to mention that the efficiency of a tug sharply reduces when seas and swell are building. On this picture, you can clearly see that the bow thruster of the Husky is completely visible and out of the water. Furthermore you can see the tow wire under lots of tension, running in a straight line towards the Hermod. When the Husky is climbing a wave like you can see here, you can almost feel that the tow wire is holding and pulling her back. This time the weather was bad, but not extreme. In these cases it is possible that you lose your tension completely every now and then. And that is not good for a continuous tension.

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