Calm Before The Storm?

Apart from snow there hasn't been any severe weather since I've lived here.

But, I woke with a severe headache and am having small dizzy spells and when by lunchtime the dustbins had already started blowing around I thought I'd better prepare for the forecast hurricane. I'm sure it will be nothing in comparison to those we see overseas on the news but better to be safe than sorry.

All bins and garden chairs now in garage as are decorative but flimsy solar lights and abandoned dog toys.

There haven't been many power cuts here either but looking at the wind blowing next door's very tall tree has made me a little concerned about my power cable that runs by it to attach to my property when the storm gathers pace later!

There will be a flask of redbush on standby with my big torch just in case :)

Hope you all stay safe, warm and dry and we'll all meet back here tomorrow to share "wasn't that a fuss about nothing" stories!

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