
By Blippingvicar

Silver Gnome

Apart from church I haven't been anywhere today. I had a few feathered friends visiting the bird feeder, but didn't manage any new pics. I had to scratch my head a bit to think of something that might be even remotely interesting!

How easy it is in this digital age to present pictures. I dug this old Gnome Bata II enlarger out of the loft. It was originally my father's and I took it over to learn how to print when I was in my teens. I had to time exposures using my watch, and even the aperture ring on the Wray lens wasn't illuminated as it was on later lenses. Perhaps not surprising that it was quite hard work to get a decent print out of it, and I'm not sure I actually still have any. I shan't be trying it out anytime soon; it certainly needs a rewire and those bellows look a bit past their best, too! It's definitely digital for me, with no hankering after playing about with chemicals under a safe light. I may develop the odd film to scan, but definitely no "wet" printing!

Hope you enjoyed your extra hour this morning, if you got one.

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