A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Blown away

Late night cocktails almost made this a picture of a very fine mojito but the drinks, food, talking nonsense, good times with good friends feels more like it belongs to yesterday.

Today started off with a need to blow away the cobwebs (yes, that is a euphemism) and a fit of madness found me running down by the river. I say running, it was a mix of running and walking as I am halfway through a C25k programme. Am loving the programme, it seems that what I needed to get back into running was taking my brain or any choice or thinking out of it. Listening to music or, like this morning, Cabin Pressure, with the occasional interruption of a voice very politely asking me to"begin running" is positively enjoyable.

More cobweb blowing with a trip to Richmond Park with skateboards and rollerblades. A very fine lunch at The Dysart and then home for reading the papers, lying around watching movies and a sneaky little afternoon nap. All very lovely and joyously felt a lot like Saturday as we have a bonus three day weekend to look forward to.

Great start to the half-term holiday at home.

Lesley x

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