
By AlwaysLast

Just Another Pokemon Weekend

Looong trip to Ft. Wayne, IN, this time for the IN Regionals tournament. Arrived Friday and stayed with my brother-in-law, Lee Giardot. We brought along the boy's friend, Gary, too, just to expand the options for disaster... ;-)
Once again I was reminded just how exhausting it is to sit around and wait for a thousand crazy people ranging in age from 8 to 60 - all obsessed with Pokemon - to play dozens of rounds of an amazingly complicated card game or Nintendo DS video game.
On the positive side, Jeremiah finished 14th out of 55 in the card game competition and 5th out of 15 in the video game version! Total haul: $100 worth of expansion cards, a Pokemon binder, a set of Pokemon card sleeves and a cool Pokemon baseball cap. Less the 10 hours of driving (plus gas), two lunches and two suppers out and minimal sleep... Well, you do the math. :-) No inflated or walking Pikachu's this time, though.

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