Travels with a donkey

The Blip gods were smiling today. We emerged on to the road just as an unusual pair of travellers passed by: a young woman walking alongside a well-laden donkey. I ran after them to shower them with the sort of questions they must have heard hundreds of times: hallo - what are you doing - where are you going - how far have you come? She was kind enough to stop and answer them while the donkey was happy to stop and munch the roadside weeds.

Hannah and Chico have been walking around the whole perimeter of Wales since May, 900 miles so far and another 60 odd to go before they get back to their starting point in Aberystwyth. Hannah is a travel writer who wanted to get to know her own country better and chose to do it with a donkey for the company and the convenience of using a pack animal to carry all her camping gear and belongings. Chico is a spirited donkey and has attracted a lot of attention, He's 5 years old and used to give rides on the beach in the North Wales resort of Rhyl until his owner packed up. Chico went through a number of hands before being chosen by Hannah to share her adventure. He was laden with two smart packs, photographic equipment and a small Halloween pumpkin when I met them. I was glad to hear they will be spending this stormy night under a proper roof just a few miles up the road.

Hannah's blog, Seaside Donkey, is here.

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