After the chaos

4years 7days

Katie enjoyed a quiet day at nursery today - its half term so her, brooke and thomas had the run of the place with just a few other children. I managed to pick her up a bit early and she's had a really good play with some of her new toys from her party. And Kylie the kangaroo. The party decorations are being returned to their homes - including the kangaroo road sign that belongs in her playroom.

She came home with her nursery photos today. The actual images are ok. The printing and colour is awful. She's purple. I will not be paying £35 for the "privilege" of owning them. And even worse, they've sent four complete big packs. This is one of my major irritations with some schools photographers. I hate knowing pictures of her will be shredded. However, these are so bad I refuse to pay money for them at all, not even on a "just to have it" basis!

Anyway, Kylie the Kangaroo apparently wants to draw.

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