
There are millions spent (mainly wasted) in Malawi each year on gender and gender equality. The money is generally spent on talks, lectures Conferences and symposia. Everyone rabbiting-on about the need for someone to do something which few manage to do.
This pic comes from St John Of God Services, institute of vocational training where the girls and guys, challenged and otherwise gifted just work and learn together, no fanfares of fuss, just normal and fair.
This is one of the girls doing her pointing. It's a two year course with excellent job prospects in Mzuzu.
A bit of a problem about the world of Aid is that there are multitudinous experts and little common sense. Once you are taught development in University of course!! and get your masters, all sane, rational reasoning appears to vanish and box ticking takes over. Just a little rant on my observations here.
St John of God Services are our great friends and close allies here. We live with the Brothers since we came eight years ago and they are the reason for whatever successes we have achieved here. Their lives are all about hospitality and service to the poor, all over the World and we are so privilidged to be part of it.

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