Home sweet home

Today is the day I say goodbye to my headache and ex husband!

I don't often get too personal on here but I feel I can share this with my extended Blip family & followers.

For those who don't know; I started Blip to mark a turning point in my life; mainly turning 40 but closely followed by getting divorced shortly after.

The last 16 months have been hard; uncertainty at work & hours being reduced, plus the ex wanting another pound of flesh, which left me no choice but to put my home up for sale.

Trying not to be sentimental was difficult; yes it's a pile of bricks & mortar but I worked hard to get it and didn't see why I should have to give that up.

For whatever reason (& I'm grateful of it) the house didn't sell, and that gave me time to reason with the ex and finally agree on a settlement for me to take over the house. It's not been easy, and it's taken a lot of stress and time; but I've had the love & support of my family which has helped me through.

Another major source of support is Mr A; he's had a lot to contend with all my baggage! but never let me down. He should be the one with a headache!

So today I got the call I've been waiting for; the house is finally mine! It's not quite sunk in yet but it's the end of my former life; all ties severed.....closure.

Tomorrow will be the first day of the rest of my new life, and I can't wait to get started! :-)

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