A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

Such a Perfect Day

Hey Jude, don't make it bad..

This was the beauty & calm that descended post storm, at least round our neck of the still-standing woods.

The storm did buffet & whistle it's way through last night, lashing down buckets of the wet stuff, however we awoke this morning to stunning sunshine & clearing skies. The worst we had to show for it was the glass in our hallway skylight had nudged aside, leaving a gap for the wind to sneak through & rattle the blinds, & outside, there had been a short shuffling of the bins & bench, & what looks like the messy remains of the buddleia being throttled all night long.

All in all, not too bad.

I would like to dedicate today's blip to my dear work colleague Jack, who's family home was effected in the Great Storm of 2013... some roof tiles blew off & made a bit of a mess. A howling experience, my heart goes out to them.

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