A welcomed visitor.

Pretty cute in large.

We had sunshine today; real, live, actual, SUN! Boy, did that feel good! It wasn't warm, in fact it was quite chilly, but that didn't matter... it was just the kind of day that made you want to be outside. It's not supposed to last, so we tried to get as much done in the yard as we could. Hubs really jumped right in and got the dirty/wet job of power washing the steps (we have LOTS of steps) done. My accomplishments were much smaller... and interrupt by the camera... ;)

The chickadee is fast becoming my favorite little bird. Not just because it's cute, or even because they have such a sweet sound, it's because they are soooo cooperative. Not many other birds make photographing them so easy. It's such a pleasure to watch their antics and fearless behavior. And, okay, they are pretty cute... that sure doesn't hurt. :) I chose this shot for blip based on the adorable factor and the fact that it's in the tree (not on the feeder). However, my most technically correct shot was of one on the feeder... so I posted that on flickr if you care to check it out. I also posted my favorite autumn image from the day over there.

I don't usually let the weather effect my mood, but I guess the relentless rain and gloom got to me this time... (Sorry about all the wining as of late...) Hopefully today charged me up enough to get through the rest of this week's iffy forecast.

Happy Monday or Tuesday, depending on where you are. :)

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