A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

TB or not TB?

That was the question.

I am trying to get the Spanish health service to prescribe a wonder drug I had been using in the UK for several years, which completely clears up all traces of my psoriasis. It's a miracle. Not a sign remains after a couple of weeks of treatment and there are no side effects or lingering damage to kidney function, which tend to accompany other treatments.

But before it can be prescribed, I have to undergo a TB test. So today I got the result, and fortunately I do not have TB. Well, I never thought I did, but they have to be sure.

Then I spent some time with Mum, whom I haven't seen for a couple of weeks, while she visited my sister in Ibiza.

I gather the storm was a bit rough in the UK, so I do hope everyone is OK. It has been a fantastic, cloudless, hot (28 degrees) and still day. So swimming in the sea has been back on the agenda.

Have a great week, one and all.

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