did we found Mischa at the railwaystation of Hofgeismar. Driving here in the dark with all the curves is a bit of an adventure, but Piet Hein did a very good job.
Everything went well mostly but there was a diversion for some part and that road was narrower than the normal route and made the finding of the station a bit more difficult. How happy we were that everything came to a happy end.
I am overwhelmed by all the sweet concern you showed in your comments, heartwarming! Thank you all very much.
The day started with nice weather and I put the last bulbs in the ground. But soon enough the weather became colder and colder. More birds came to fetch some peanuts.
Mischa had work to do all morning but later in the afternoon we went to the Therme, for a very relaxing bath-time in the salt, warm water.

My haiku:

Floating in the salt
Warm water let drift our thoughts
Towards the inside

And the proverb:

Die niet komt behoeft niet heen te gaan.

Translation: Who does not come, does not need to go.

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