
By AlisonDawn

An impromptu stop

I was driving to spend a few hours at the allotment today when the sun shone towards an area of woodland where the colours drew me in for a blip. I turned the car around, headed for the nearest lay-by then headed back to where the colours had been so golden. Sadly the sun shining into the wood wasn't the best shot as a hidden stream & bridge were in the shadows so I ventured into the wood & took this blip of the path going over the bridge.

In my efforts to improve my blip, I tried to venture down to the stream for a picture through the bridge perhaps? Unfortunately it was all a little too boggy & strewn with branches that alas I went my full length! Keys went one direction, my camera phone another & my face literally into the leafy mud!! Thankfully everything intact, even my pride as it was so quiet. So I brushed myself down, found my car & headed to the plot as planned!!

First job was a cuppa!! However I spent about nearly 5 hours there so 2 more rows of potatoes are now up & 3 & a half beds weeded!! Progress with not a bruise!

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