Six degrees of seperation?

Thanks to local connections I've made on blip I've recently found myself doing some work out-of-the-comfort-zone with an appreciative customer, making logos!

To our amazement it turns out she grew up in the house I am living in now (we bought it off her parents 15 years ago!).

Lisa came around today to talk work, houses and memories. What a lovely person she is and what a joy to show her around!

This was THE bedroom she grew up in, (now Sam's room) and here she is with Sam and her daughter Lottie. Still the same built in wardrobes behind....

I was very excited to be able to welcome this "stranger" into my house today and share the memories, and I hope she will one day bring her Mum back to see...

In contrast, after a funeral of a relative in the area, my parents fronted up at the house where my Mum grew up in Oldham a few years back, and the owners wouldn't let them in (presumably suspicious of the motive). Given my Mums' advancing Alzheimer's this was such a shame as it would have been a treasured and precious memory :-(

But a brilliant feeling today and wonderful to make the connection.
Thanks Blip!

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