Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

A trip to Loweswater

I had a day off today, woo hoo! The weather at home was fairly sunny so decided to head into the Lakes with L my 4-legged visitor. We went to Loweswater as I wanted to see if there was much autumn colour about. There was some but there was also a lot of green. The weather was a mixture of showers with a bit of sunshine thrown in. We walked in Holme Wood by the lake and took a trip to the waterfall which I'd never been to before but having seen it blipped here by visionsofchloe I thought I'd go and look for it. It was easy to find and I took lots of shots of it but not happy with the result.

Today's blip taken from the edge of the woods is of Whiteside & Grasmoor neither of which I've been up. I think the fell on the right is Mellbreak. Very shortly after taking this a weather front moved in very quickly and we got a bit wet!

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