So easy, Windows XP

Rubbish desk day.

My new laptop came yesterday. It seemed that to purchase any laptop with an OS other than Windows 8 was going to be charged at a premium so it has 8.

Perhaps some folk out there in blip land are happily using the new Microsoft OS. (I am aware 8.1 is already making an appearance)

Anyway, the device is shiny and smart and unquestionably fast at handling big files and processes. The OS; what on earth are they thinking about? There is a very alien looking front screen called metro which does nothing for me. You can escape to a more familiar desk top looking screen but there is no start button. You get to everything from icons. File management is cluttered and untidy
What else; my preferred browser, Chrome, worked briefly but now refuses to even open. I have removed it, and in so doing I have regained access to my Home Network. That part stopped working briefly so shared folders weren't accessible.
I can make it go to sleep by shutting the lid but I still haven't found an on screen method of doing a shut down. The usual joke is "I don't even know how to switch it on" well I don't know how to switch it off.

I'm looking forward to some fresh air on Mull tomorrow.

Five to five tonight I decided to give the ND filter (darkness) another go.

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