
By AnyOldIron

Happy Days

My days seem to divide into three distinct types. There's the most common kind, ones where I muddle through, lacking motivation but getting through to the end of the day one way or another, the bleak, black ones, about which the less said, the better, and then there are the ones like today.

Driving to work this afternoon, sun shining its heart out, singing along to the Proclaimers on CD I suddenly named the curious emotion that I realised I'd been feeling for several hours - pure uncomplicated happiness! I've been motivated, productive and have tackled several jobs that I've been putting off for ages. One of my friends calls these my manic days. I don't care if it is a kind of mania, it just feels great.

Consequently, washing has been hung out (some kind of miracle), dog has been walked a very long way, tea for today AND tomorrow has been made and the biscuit tin is full of cookies.

Even more importantly I don't even mind that York City are currently beating us 4-0. And it's only half time ...

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