
By JanPatienceArt

Inspiral Selfie

I was looking through my photos tonight wondering if I'd find a likely candidate for a Blip, given that I'd been in the very inspiring setting of Glasgow School of Art (GSA) this morning.

I was there to see fragments from the Stoddart Templeton design studio archive and design library, some of which are heading for an exhibition in the Mackintosh Gallery at the art school.

I wrote about the archive relating to the once mighty carpet industry in the west of Scotland when it was acquired by GSA, Glasgow University and Glasgow Life in 2009. At the time, I was blown away by the weight of history wrapped up in this archive going back 150 years.

It's a social history as much as it is a history of design. It is going to be a blinder of an exhibition and I took some nice snaps of some of the designs.

But blow me, if the rug rat hadn't been messing with the iPad this morning. Have to confess, I rather liked this picture she took of me then manipulated using some app or other...

I think the carpet designers of yore, of which great John Byrne was one, would've loved messing about on iPads.

(Though I do happen to know that JB is not a techie type...)

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