
By jojobunny

Throw another log on the fire.

I was on my way out the door tonight to see if the stars were bright enough for a blip, since I was working all day. As I went by the woodstove, I threw another log on, as it was getting cold.
The sky was not as great as I was hoping. The stars were kind of dull looking, so I came back in. I opened the door again to the woodstove to see if the log was burning ok. I was mesmerized by the dancing flames, twirling, twisting and rolling around the logs.
I sat down in front of the stove, put my feet up and watched the recital of the fire.
It won't be long before the snow and cold will be here for the winter and we will be burning wood all day.
For tonight it was a very relaxing, enjoyable sight!

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