Mainly moving

By Snowbell

Cheese toast @ the market

Busy day - cleaned the house, went with the dogs for a walk, then met H who is on leave for a spot of shopping in the market (she needed coffee, I needed fruits and vegs) from there we went on to have lunch at one of the cafes by the market. I was in a bit of a rush to get home as I had promised sis I would cook for her (she has a 3 weeks course and they take turns cooking for everyone).

I finally made it home shortly before 16:00. The real estate agent was due at 17:00 and sis at around 18:15. I cooked up a storm - a fritata, a red curry and rice, and brownies. I kept on cooking while people were looking at the place. By the time sis came I was barely done.

In the evening I was due to meet R & S. R came straight after work so she had a quick pizza, then at 20:00 we met S and went to a pub. We had a lovely time and by 23:30 we were all bushed.

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