
By FredaH

Family History

My daughter had a surprise in store for me today and took me for lunch to Lowther Castle. It had been built in 1360 by the Lowther family and even as a ruin now, it is very impressive. I had never been there before and found it quite a moving experience.

Because you see, while researching my husband’s family history I had learned an ancestor of his, John Howson, had been born near Swillington where I understand Lord Lonsdale’s wife was living and possibly he had been employed on her estate and transferred to Lowther on her marriage to Lord Lonsdale. Lord Lonsdale had another castle and John eventually ended up at that one in Whitehaven, as his groom. My grandfather also worked there, as Lord Lonsdale’s head gardener – so he may even have known John!

All those years later I met and married John’s descendent.

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