
By wingpig


I really should post a picture of the grass, mown for the first time in thirteen months. It would serve as a reminder at the same time next year when it again towers a foot above the optimal cutting-length of our cheapy-crap mower. It still looks quite shite so I'll leave it until it's settled down; I still need to rake up most of the clippings too but was going to wait until they've dried out a bit. As it's been raining all evening I'll now have to wait longer but expect I can live with it. I even trimmed a few branches off the tree and turned my surprisingly successful compost heap over a little. I was mildly annoyed to find that the building-oaves who recently repaired the roof of the building at the back of the garden had been using it as a rubble-heap when it quite clearly was not. I was puzzled to see an old vinyl record lying broken on a pile of roofing slates. I feel I should have looked to see what it had been. That too can wait.

I chose this one because it needed very little cropping (a little off the sides) or processing (a little extra blue) and would therefore be nice and quick and would allow me to get to bed and sleep before half eleven. To then spend twenty minutes dithering about, adding and deleting words is therefore FOOLISH. I think I'll maybe set my alarm a few extra minutes later. Who knows what nasty surprises Monday may bring which require a fully-rested brain.

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