A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

Under an arch, Castlefield, Manchester.

A decent day. Not too much rain today. And pleasantly unseasonably warm.

Training for a slightly different role at work. Won't bring me any more money for a long time, but I can cope with that. Working with a colleague to provide a report that is required by Cabinet Office (which for those who don't know much about the English political system means that it's likely to be delivered to the Prime Minister.)
The work will take us about three days (what with involving other people to check what we do) and ultimately it will probably be covered in a few minutes in a Cabinet Office meeting.
Given that other reports we've done over the past few years seem to have been one of a few sources used to inform some element welfare reforms, I think it will form part of another reform in the future.
If it all sounds terribly exciting, it's obviously not really. It's just a load of statistics and figures. And I can't actually say what it's about, because I'm not allowed. Even a lowly civil servant like me is covered by the Official Secrets Act.

Home to find out that a friend of one of my brothers was featured trying to buy a car on an ITV4 TV show. Cue much ribbing of the chap on Facebook. Helped pass the time.
And tomorrow I'm off to watch Captain Phillips, the new Tom Hanks film.
All this kind of makes up for me working this Saturday. Kind of....

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