Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Dem Bones, Dem Bones...

Look a bit like willies but its too late to do anything about them now!

That's the song isn't it? No? Oh okay.

My Mum made my guising costume pretty much every year from scratch. I'm trying to keep the tradition alive, but it's BLOODY hard work. And the suits in the popper-market are about £3. Still, I do want to do it, out of some old fashioned loyalty to something my kids are no longer part of.

I say Guisin', you say Trick or Treatin', lets call the whole thing off.

Feeling rather musical tonight it would seem.

Thankfully, Arlo wants to be a skeleton and I already have a skeleton top so he just needed the legs. Ida's going as a cat to nursery and then I need to cobble together an Upsy Daisy head band and skirt for the party on Saturday. I was hoping she'd go for a witch or something else but she didn't want something 'too 'pooky a-me'.

She 'pooks easily apparently.

Happy Hallowe'en a'body. Lang may yer Neepy Lantern glow, wi' somebody else's candle....

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