probably definately

By chole33

Horseback riding and rootbeer

Last day of our girl's weekend. D's family was kind enough to take us out on a horseback tour of the ranch. It has been quite some time since I've been on a horse. Riding around in the mountains sure beats the urban riding I did as a kid!

Then we enjoyed some homemade root beer in the sun on the patio before heading home.

Sometimes it is great to get away with the girls for a little while. Had a fantastic weekend!

Had we left 10 minutes earlier we would have made it home in about 3 hours. Instead it took closer to 5. Note to motorcyclists - if you want a ride in a flight for life helicopter try passing a whole line of (already speeding) cars, on a downhill blind corner, in a construction zone, with uneven pavement. Looked like it happened about 10 minutes before we arrived in the line of cars parked on the road. That stretch of road is one of many where the 'way around' will tack a couple hours onto the drive.

There were a large number of people heading back to Denver after the weekend. With nowhere to go everyone was out of their cars - playing with the kids or dog, chatting with strangers, etc. It makes me deep-down happy to see that impromptu nature in people.

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