Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

And the Beat Goes On . . . . . .

And the beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
La de da de de, la de da de da
. . . . . .

. . . . . in Christchurch that is, and at my house in particular, today.
I had The Visit today, by the Earthquake Commission and Repair team, plus my contractor/builder, to finalise the Scope of Works, to get my house repaired. A great idea! Unfortunately the report by the Structural Engineers is so flawed, with omissions (like no mention of the lateral spread that will require major work to rack the house back into being plumb) and lack of detail, that it was unusable and they all left, very frustrated and annoyed - and well motivated to get it right. There will be another visit, sooner than later I hope, and they'll be bringing an engineer with them next time. Bah!

In the meantime I'm making sure that my life keeps on going in spite of the house situation. We did have a couple of quakes during the night (yes Tigg, you were right) but nothing to worry about.

My lensbaby and I caught this feijoa flower today - I thought it could make a lovely Christmas card. What do you think? Christmas is coming! It's November tomorrow.

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