Happy Halloween

Death in Vegas - Hands Around My Throat

Simple celebrations for Halloween; the subconscious, the dark, the other. Despite the historical background of Halloween, perhaps in modern society, it could be said that the truth to one's personality would be best described by the juxtaposition of how one wishes to dress during Halloween to their everyday demeanor. Halloween or whatever other time you wish to delve into your subconscious is important, in that you learn more about yourself and the darkness that is naturally part of you.

Please don't be alarmed, obviously the occasion calls it so and I'm not about to go around in a mask being a complete idiot. However, it is scary when a person has lost their sense of reality, society and what is deep in their subconscious. People let their id completely take over and no longer function as a member of greater society. It is absolutely important to control your sense of self and know the appropriate times to express it.

It's scary when we find parts of ourselves that we don't like, but it's even better to know that we are controlling it and knowing that both darkness and light are both naturally one in the same. We are constantly, at least trying to, improve ourselves.

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