My Year in Pictures

By jenny

An apple a day ...

Six monthly check up at the dentist today and I let out a massive cheer when he finished his examination and said "Excellent, nothing else needed today."

To explain:
My teeth have always been white, straight (once I got four adult teeth taken out at about 11 years old!) with only a couple of fillings and I've never had to have them cleaned or polished.
Until about 4 years ago when my old dentist retired and Adam arrived.
Who promptly said I had a bit of plaque on my bottom front teeth.
I was not happy!
I hadn't changed anything, it was uncomfortable getting it removed and cost me money! - though thankfully not too much as it was a very small patch which he removed himself rather than me having to go to the hygienist!
Initially I paid no attention to Adam's advice to floss daily (as surely it was a one-off and flossing is such a faff!) however over time (after the next couple of visits where it had the audacity to have reappeared!) I ended up setting it as a bit of a personal challenge to do what he suggested and aim for a plaque removal free checkup.
Getting into the daily habit hasn't come easy, however each appointment there has been less and less and back in February at my last appointment I was convinced I'd have succeeded. But no - an eeny weeny bit was there.
So I persevered with making it a daily habit and for the last 8 months I've not missed a single day.
And my goal of a plaque removal free checkup was accomplished today.
Though I did apologise to him for not being such a profitable patient now!!
And I will continue to floss every day!

Re. Blip subject
This is a story about a dentist not a doctor.
And I didn't eat an apple every day - I flossed every day.
But hopefully you get the point!

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