Happy Halloween

We were unashamedly slobby this morning - though I was a little embarrassed when a fellow guider turned up late morning to drop some badges off and I was still in my dressing gown!

We pulled it together when I realised there was nothing for lunch and got ourselves dressed and out - MrRoly's dj to the dry cleaners, failed car wash (very long queue) and failed gum shield collection (dentist closed for lunch)!

We had a very successful lunch at Princess Pavillions though then went to visit Dru. It was like taking the children to a National Trust property or something. Lily especially demanded the full tour (including cupboards) and cooed appreciatively at everything. Apparently the garden is 4 times bigger than ours. Then they started complaining that she had no toys unlike Margaret next door so poor Dru had to go hunting for games to play!

After our lovely distraction we successfully collected the gum shield, washed the car and got home in time for the Tesco delivery. We titivated the front to try and make it obvious we were at home to trick or treaters.

Bella's friends turned up and I had a preview of things to come as 4 preteens giggled and shrieked as they redecorated the bathroom painted their faces ready to go trick or treating. But lovely young ladies that they are, they happily took the younger children to a couple of houses before returning them and going off to do their own thing for an hour. My baby girl is growing up so quickly!

I have just had a look for the last time I dressed them up for Halloween - haven't they grown?!

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