2319, 23rd St NW

Its 40 years since I've seen this house.

The house still looks the same. But there's a massive tree out front now that made re-creating the photo my Dad took in 1969 impossible.

My family lived in Calgary for a year in 1968/9 when I was 4 - 5 years old. Its difficult to know what I remember independently and what has been generated from family photos and stories. But I do remember the house.

There was a woman over the road mowing her lawn. We went over to have a chat. She's now 91 and has been living in the road since the '50s. So she was certainly there when we were.

The house has recently been bought by a woman called Donna for her son, who is just about to start at Calgary University. I gave her a copy of the photo. She seemed really happy to have it. After all, how often does a stranger knock on your door and say "I used to live here 40 years ago".

Cool day :-)

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