
By teb

It begins...

Bear with me...this month in the States, we celebrate Thanksgiving...from a commercial standpoint it tends to be sucked up by the Christmass whirlwind....even though I try everyday to remember to be thankful, it's pretty cool to have a day set aside on the calendar to provide a specific time to focus, deliberately focus, on gratitude. This year, with the aid of "blip" I am using the month of November to highlight gratitude and share energy with anyone interested.
This image is a picture of a picture. I hope that's not a blip violation. I took both of them if that makes a difference. I just felt this months theme needed to begin at my beginning, and as I don't live near my parents ( those two wonderful people pictured here), I needed an emergency blip.
Grateful they are still healthy and with us....where my story begins...for now

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