If You Could See Me Now



They're new :)

The 'Invisible Line'

So today I have been connducting an unknown study, it was unknown to everyone. Including me.

What was this study about?

I'll tell you.

Jealousy and Hate, and how these two go hand in hand in the realm of teenage girls.

I have no idea how this came about but it did, and I've made a few conclusions based on things i've seen/heard today.

Jealousy and Hate are pretty much the same thing in girl world.

It's probably not real hate, but the feeling of dislike is so strong that, for a few fleeting moments it probably is hate.

It's so weird how peoples minds work!

You can see someone you don't even know and hate them without realising it!!

It could even be someon you are really close to, and it just happens.

Of course this is just all what i'm thinking, but I think it's really true!

I think once people learn to get over jealousy, then all problems will melt away.

I'm no stranger to these jealousy tendencies, and I know how much it can eat you up, and destroy your self esteem.

The world is such a wonderful place, and instead of congratulating someon for doing something good, we shun them because we are jealous!!

It feels so good to get this all out of my head!

You can all just ignore that if you want :)

Thanks for all the wonderful comments on yesterdays blip, i'll get roound to commenting everyone back soon, I'm so sick of eating M&M's! I have a whole packet of them... Sorry HAD a whole packet of them next to the computer, big mistake really.

Feeling a bit weird atm, as you can probably tell from my little dive into psychology, but i'm hoping it'll pass :)

Thank the good lord that Monday is OVER!!

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