
By middaypyjamas

Cat's Eye

I met some tigers today, they were on the other side of a fence to me and were basically just chilling, but I think they liked me. It was a gift I got last year when I left my job, and I finally used it today. While there was no patting of the tigers or anything like that, we did feed them some milk through the fence. Then they just layed around in the sun near us and pretty much acted like the big kittens they are. Although I'm sure if we had entered their enclosure they would have acted like the savage beasts they also are. Either way it was a great experience and inevitably became today's blip.

Following that we had a big lunch and relaxed in the afternoon. I finally got around to doing some of the homework for my short course and of course went for yet another 5k. Then burritos for dinner, hell yeah.


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