South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth


This isn't my latest sewing effort (now there's a surprise ;-)) but is a favourite, much loved (#LOVEMBER) little cushion that I bought in a shop in Arundel some years ago. It hangs on the dark furniture unit - which is why my camera decided it was taken at night-time! (good old smart mode). It absolutely sums us up to a tee - spontaneity is not something we're good at! There will be no "Darling, we're going out for a meal - surprise!" (not that we call each other that anyway!) and I actually wouldn't like it if it was said and would probably not want to go...does that make me a bit sad?! I like to know what's happening and when so I can plan. Now, "Shall we go out for a meal tomorrow?" would be okay - hence the cushion being so appropriate! It's a good thing that we're the same, so there's no expectation!

The wind has got more and more wild during this afternoon - I think there could be damage caused again along the south coast. Goodness knows what it's like further west - that's supposed to be the worst area :-( Keep safe everyone!

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