Had a lovely day, I met Rosie at Vauxhall for a walk to Tate Britain. (This is a Martin Creed). We looked at the new Art under Attack exhibition,which we both enjoyed, especially the bits about the Suffragettes. I hope we are not the only ones who sniggered at the "leave your muffs by the door" comment. Next we walked by the river to Pret a Manger for coffee, yoghurt granola and almond croissants. And lots of chats. Then we walked on to Tate Modern, had a wander around the Paul Klee, which was a bit too busy to really enjoy so will have to return for another look later. Really liked the Mira Schendel exhibition, a lot less busy and very inspiring. We had a late lunch in Tas by Southwark before wandering back to Waterloo.

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