Eye Opener on the Tyne

Over 30 years ago I was taken somewhat reluctantly with a group of reluctant teenagers to The Theatre Royal in Newcastle to see The Taming of the Shrew, I recall a rather persistent English teacher (and some girls were involved in getting us there i suppose). The curtain went up and Petrucio rode onto the stage on a Harley, they had us with that first rev of the engine and gleam of chrome. I genuinely look back on that moment as one of those moments that changed me and openned a door into something that til then I had chosen to leave shut.

Last night I returned to the same place, again to watch the RSC this time perform "As You Like It" and again it was breathtakingly wonderful and I had the joy of being there with my lovely Beth who for herself was able to pass through that same door to enjoy the bard and the outstanding talents of the RSC.

This morning I was down by the Quays waiting to meet up with Beth after her morning helping out on a homeless project, so took this shot as the millenium brigde hinged open to let the boat through, I think it looks like an eye. As it openned I heard a noise, a roar from a mile away - I'm sure I heard the blipgod that is Shaaamie above the rest as Newcastle improbably scored against the mighty Chelsea, enjoy it my friend.

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