
By lucia13

The little train and the rainbow!

Hello my lovely friends! Thanks a lot for the lovely comments and stars for my Pumpkins of yesterday's blip. Glad you like them.
Today I feel better so we could manage to go to the beach at least. I was planning to blip the sunset from Hunstanton . One of the best places in England to watch it like you know but instead I caught the raimbow. It was raining cats and dogs this afternoon so we were walking by the beach and suddenly it started to rain very heavily . We got very wet so we went to the hotel to get warm and change. When we almost arrived we saw this beautiful raimbow double the first but when I took the camera from the case it disappeared so I got one rainbow and the litle train which passed in the same moment I was taking a picture . Just at the right moment! I like the colourful reflections on the wet floor.
Hope you enjoy it. Tomorrow will be another day. Maybe it is sunshine and I can take a nice sunset. I hope !
Have a nice wekend everyone and smile. It is Saturday night enjoy it!

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