Growing with the flow

By Wordwatcher


This is my dad and his eldest granddaughter (my eldest).

Dad was using Google maps to show her where he used to live in London. This happened to be during WW2. He was born and brought up there until the house across the road was obliterated by a bomb and his mum, my gran, decided to pack up the next day and join her husband, my grandpa, who was stationed at Rosyth. As a point of interest, my gran's mother, my great grandmother was German.

Dad was pointing out where the bomb craters were and the houses of children he was friends with who either died or were orphaned. He pointed out where the school was where they continued to go every day, often spending time in the concrete shelter in the playground when the sirens went off. Returning late from lunch one day he described watching a dogfight in the sky directly above him until the shouts from the rest of the school in the shelter made him sprint across the playground to relative safety. He talked of his prized collection of shrapnel gleaned from the bomb sites.
He's eighty one this month.

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