Nicole's odd life

By oddlife

Bit of a mixed bag!

Uppy downy sort of day.

Up and dressed and out for 9. Went and got Nanny and popped to Asda and Nanny got to push Matt in the trolly. achievement unlocked! I got some boots! Hurrah! so great trip for me. Then Nanny and I went to Babyband. Matty was a bit more himself, wondering off on occasion. Got a bit sobby at points and came to find me, cute!

He was so tired after that, he fell asleep in the car and I managed to move him to his travel cot at Nanny's without much bother. Only lasted 20 mins though. He cried and cried. Not a happy boy at all. Roasting cheeks and ears. Wouldn't even boob! unheard of for him to refuse so must have been awful :( I scooped him up, took him home, gave him drugs, wrapped him up and danced around the living room like the bad old screaming Matty days. Luckily within half an hour or so he calmed and fell asleep in the sling so I got to steal all the sleeping baby cuddles and head sniffs. yum!

Mark had a half day and Matt woke when he came in and was much better. Everyone had lunch then back down to Nanny's!

Matt only had a snack for tea then we went to Jon & Kristen's to see the fireworks. We didn't take Matt last year,but we got him some ear defenders and wrapped him up with Auntie Kirsten. He loved them!! poor little Poppet was so tired though that we left early, took him straight home and for the second night in a row - didn't bath him cause he was so tired! Busy busy busy.

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