Third Year Abroad

By LittleLots

Spent most of the day rushing around, putting the finishing touches to outfits/presents/cake and hoping to god that the cake was alright considering that due to lack of scales I pretty much had to make up the quantities. Although I figured that after a couple of drinks people will pretty much eat anything... Halloween is one of those nights which you can pretty much guarantee that everyone will be going out, and that combined with it being Helen's birthday and her family and friends coming over meant that it was always destined to be a big one. And it did not disappoint, think it may have been the biggest flat party we've had so far and the first time that I actually felt like I didn't recognise half the people there. Although this may have been partly due to the costumes. You can never be sure how much people will get into the dressing up part of Halloween but actually it seemed like most people really went for it, some more than others as always. Admittedly I think everyone would agree that the scariest would have to be Jacob and Dave kitted up in dresses, wigs and make up. The amount of skin on show in those skimpy dresses would be enough to give anyone nightmares. For a fairly last minute costume I was pretty pleased with my (dead) geisha outfit, thanks to the Chinos and their collection of kimonos. Although I now have more fake flowers and chopsticks than I know what do with. Plus the kimono itself turned out to be a great idea, not only did I shamelessly get to wear it to the club but it also kept me warm on the journey. As, believe it or not, it is finally getting a little chillier here.

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